Ryan and Emi Munchinsky
Ryan and Emi will be working alongside the Commission to Every Nation team in reaching the lost people in Japan. Ryan and Emi minister full-time focusing on engaging in relational evangelism, discipleship, and house church planting.
Ryan and Emi are serving with Commission to Every Nation in Japan.
Commission To Every Nation
PO Box 22017
11500 Tecumseh Rd. E.
Windsor, ON N8N 5G6
Stocks & bounds can also be accepted; contact the office if someone wishes to make a donation in this way.
Donations by any means in Canada or the USA are tax deductible.
If there are any questions for CTEN Canada, they can be received via the toll-free number 888-863-4810 or by email at canada@cten.org .
You can give with your offering envelope: Under the option "OTHER" please indicate CTEN-Ryan Munchinsky and specify your amount. EAC will then send a total donation on behalf of donors that month. We can not share your donation information with Ryan due to privacy laws, so if you would like him to know, please share that with him directly.